20-30 minutes. Resources: millions. Start: it is a lot of peasants
To send about 20 peasants to build two forts. The staying peasants to divide(share) into three groups. One biggest group to send to a wood.
1 group: To construct three mills (to lead all improvements).
2 group: to construct nine House 1.
3 group: in a wood to construct a warehouse (three person to start in a warehouse, the others to send on gathering of fire wood).
To construct three smithies (to improve: 1 stability of fields 2 speed of construction the fuziler (3 kinds) ). Build mines.
To start construction of a fortress. When the fortress will be constructed, To improve attack and protection fuziler (12 kinds).
To construct two farms close the House 1 (to create 150 hunters).
Then to build two research centres. The order of realization of improvements : To construct two fortresses.To construct four House 2 near a fortress which is most remote from the House 1. To construct one House 2 near other fortress.
For four House 1 to establish a point of gathering in a near fortress. For three to establish a point of gathering in other fortress.
From the staying two House of 1 peasants to send in mines(shafts), forts and for other needs.
In each fortress to make two officers, two standard-bearers and two drummers of 18 centuries. Construction of fuzilers to establish - it is indefinite.
It is not necessary to forget about blockhouse.